Click >>HERE<< for a free roadmap to getting HRT in France!
Worried if you can get the right HRT in France? Heard so much contrary advice and would love to sort out the facts from the myths once and for all?
Feel massively overwhelmed trying to understand what the right HRT even is? And just wish someone would explain it once and for all in a clear, easy-to-follow fashion?
And even tell you what brands you need to get in France if you want the safest, most modern regime on the market?
Already tried to get HRT and had a horrible time of it that left you feeling hopeless? Or even got HRT, but suspect you got outdated advice and the wrong meds?
Struggling to understand and navigate the crazy French health system? From what coverage you need if any, what doctor you need to see, how to get an appointment, and how prescriptions work?
Want to add testosterone to your HRT regime and don't know what your options are and how you can go about getting it here in France? (Yes, you can get it here, with some effort).
Stop stressing! My online book is THE essential resource you need to answer all of these questions and more. You can finally relax knowing you CAN get a great HRT regime in France and FINALLY feel yourself again.
Who am I and why did I create this online resource? Full disclosure, yes, I have a strong background as a health writer and researcher as well as mentor, but in psychology and self development. I had zero interest in becoming an expert in anything to do with menopause. But I went through a sort of endless hell trying to get HRT in France without knowing what I was doing (and I started years ago now, before new guidelines in 2021 made things a wee bit easier). All these years and many doctor visits later, plus a whole heck of a lot of research, I ended up such an expert I was constantly advising others, including taking over a Facebook group on the subject. In the end I wrote this book as I was endlessly repeating myself, had a bunch of notes anyways, and it was easier to just say 'read my book'. I also got tired of hearing the same myths, negativity, and unhelpful ideas regurgitated. It made sense to use my talents to create this book.
What is included in the book?
Below is the Table of Contents of the book. And I'm going to be constantly updating it and adding to it with new or requested information. Once you buy the book you get all updated versions for free!
Introduction - Who I am and Why I Wrote This Book
Terms Used in This Book
Myths About HRT in France
My Menopause and HRT Journey
The Truth About Menopause and HRT You need to know
What is HRT anyway? Synthetic vs Body Identical vs Bioidenticals
What Type of HRT Will They Give Me in France?
More About Body Identicals, the "Gold Standard" of HRT Treatment
Cyclical vs Continuous HRT and "Days Off"
Taking Progesterone Vaginally
Tibolone - Another Form of HRT Altogether
Localised Hormonal Medications - Related, but not HRT
DHEA for Libido
High Dose Vitamin D for Bones (and Why You Need to be Wary)
Beta Alanine for Hot Flashes
Who Prescribes HRT in France
The Five 'Experiences' Women Have Trying to Get HRT in France
What You Need to Know About Booking a Doctor or Gyno in France
The Strange Truths About Seeing a Gynaecologist in France
The Family and Medical History You'll be Asked About
Health Issues that can Mean You Won't Get Prescribed HRT
How to Describe Symptoms in a Way That Ups Your Chances of HRT
Blood Tests and Menopause - Why You Might Not Need One
Other Tests You Might be Asked to Do Before Being Prescribed HRT
Getting Your Prescription Filled at a French Pharmacy
The Secret Way to Stockpile HRT
The Cost of HRT in France
Why is Testosterone Harder to Get?
Is Testosterone Dangerous for Women?
Why I Felt I Needed Testosterone
Did Testosterone Work for Me?
Key Things to Know About Going to the UK for Testosterone
How to Get Testosterone in France
The End - Still Have Questions?
How do I Access and Read the Book?
Currently the book is in online format available only to site members. You buy membership below for 12.99€ and within 24 hours you receive access to the book. From there you can return at any time and read it on your computer or phone. It's very easy to navigate, set up like a data base where you can click on anything in the Table of Contents to go directly to that section.
Prefer print? I will be putting the book on Amazon eventually. I think the online format makes it easier to access the info you need on any given day, plus means I can always update it and you can immediately see updates.
*By purchasing this product I show that I understand and agree that all information provided in this resource is not a substitute for professional services therefore should at no time be regarded as medical or psychological fact and is subject to my own interpretation and judgement. What I choose to do with the information, including any actions I take, is down to my own personal responsibility and choice. I accept that Ula Media Ltd. will not and cannot accept responsibility for any decisions made or actions taken by anyone based upon information contained within this resource and website.
I also agree that I will not share, publish, display nor distribute this resource in any way. I fully understand and of my own free will choose to enter into this legally binding disclaimer and all stated terms of service.